Submit A Template

Welcome and thank you for considering contributing your templates to this website.

A couple of simple guidelines to follow before uploading your templates:

Please make sure to replace all images used in the templates with Lorum Picsum hosting images. We do not host the template images on this website and we will replace any images with Lorum Picsum if required.
Please ensure that the template is mobile optimized and ready for full use.
No templates will be published if they contain anything that may offend others (nudity, violence etc)
Please review the terms and conditions before submitting your template.
Submit a Template

Your Details

Don’t worry, I wont spam you. Just need your email just in case I need to contact you regards to the design.

Upload Template

Terms & Conditions

  • Ownership and Rights: By submitting a block template design to, you retain ownership of your original work but grant a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free license to use, display, and distribute your template on the website and other related platforms.

  • Submission Agreement: You confirm that the template you are submitting is your own original work and does not infringe on any third-party intellectual property rights. You are responsible for ensuring your template complies with applicable laws and regulations.

  • Content Moderation: reserves the right to review, approve, or reject any template submissions based on its content guidelines and quality standards. We also retain the right to remove any design at our discretion.

  • No Compensation: Submitting your template does not entitle you to any form of compensation or royalties from, even if your template is used or downloaded by others.

  • Indemnity: You agree to indemnify and hold harmless from any claims, losses, or damages arising out of or related to your submitted template, including any alleged infringement of third-party rights.