How To Copy Designs Into Your Website Website
Block Editor
How To Copy/Paste The Demo Block Templates into The Block Editor
Ensure you have the required block editor plugin installed that matches the template.
- Click on View Demo to view the template you want to copy.
- On the demo page, you will see a section with a button that says “Copy Code”. Click the button and a popup will appear.
- Click the little copy code icon and this will copy the full design code to your computer clipboard.
- Go to a page to edit or add new page.
- In the first block on the page, place your cursor and then keyboard press Ctrl + V if you are using a PC or if you are using a Mac press Cmd + V to copy the code into the editor. The design blocks should now appear. You may need to wait a few seconds for larger block designs.
- Great work! The design should now be visible in the editor
- Have fun.
Some other important things to note:
- All demo designs that have images will not be transferred to your site. They will have blank image placeholders. You will need to add your own images to the designs.
- Some colours may change when you import the designs to your site. Some of the design templates are pulling in dynamic colours from the theme on this site.
- Best to check the mobile versions so that they fit with your current design.